Ban Fossil Ads webinar series part 2: Legal aspects of local, national & EU fossil ad bans

After a successful first webinar in May, introducing new and familiar faces and exchanging useful experiences, we will be diving deeper into the legal and policy aspect of fossil ad bans. This time, we will have Clemens Kaupa, Assistant Professor EU Law at VU Amsterdam joining us to discuss local, national & EU level bans. He will share insights from his published research and discuss specific legal and policy issues you might be experiencing. Have any specific questions in mind already? Please send them to so we can prepare accordingly.

We want to invite you to our second webinar, June 20th at 19:30-21:00 (CET) via

Please sign up here and share the webinar (Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram)!


After some welcoming words and an introduction round, Clemens Kaupa will present on three topics, after which there is time for Q&A:

  • Block 1: The legality of local and national ad bans under EU law
  • Block 2: Why fossil ads should already be considered as banned
  • Block 3: Possible issues under EU procurement law

After the presentations, there will be time to share challenges you face and discuss with Clemens and the other participants on how these issues can be best handled.

Webinar series

After many European signatures were collected during the ECI, a successful Ban Fossil Ads conference in Amsterdam last March, and with the European elections coming up already next year, it is time to give the European momentum around fossil ad bans another boost. Reclame Fossielvrij (Fossil Free Advertising) and Badvertising Sweden are therefore hosting a series of webinars with the following aims: 

  • Strengthening and broadening the European fossil ad ban network;
  • Sharing knowledge about local fossil ad bans;
  • Strategizing on European level campaigns and elections.

Can’t make it this time? Sign up here and get updated when the next webinar is coming up!

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