How to tackle fossil sponsorships in sports – Ban Fossil Ads webinar

When you watch a game of football or live coverage of a ski competition, you are forced to see huge numbers of fossil ads. Airlines, oil and gas companies and also fossil cars are sponsoring more and more sport events all around the world. Sport fans, athletes and campaigners are calling for a ban on fossil sponsorships in sports, as public awareness grows on the urgency of the climate crisis these fossil companies are fueling.

So: how can sports fans, athletes and campaigners fight the rising number of fossil ads in sports? What campaigns are already successful in Europe, Canada, South Africa and elsewhere? And how can you become part of the movement to kick fossil sponsors out of sports? That will be the theme of our next Ban Fossil Ads webinar called How to tackle fossil sponsorships in sports.

Join us 8th of April, 19:30 – 21:00 CEST (please note: summer time!). Sign up here.
Zoom link will be shared after sign up!


  • Frank Huisingh, Initiator of Fossil Free Football, will speak on “UEFA and FIFA’s love for dirty money”
  • Stephen Horn, Creative director at Politically Aweh, will speak on “South Africa’s ‘Politically Aweh’ blows the whistle on TotalEnergies’ sportwashing”
  • Gunnar Lind, Campaigner with New Weather Sweden, will speak on “High carbon sponsorships in winter sports and their effect on the climate”
  • Björn Sandström, Swedish elite skier and climate consultant, will give “A skier’s view on fossil sponsorships”
  • More speakers will be announced soon!

This webinar is part of the Badvertising campaign to kick fossil fuel sponsorships out of sports, working with Fossil Free Football, Save Our Snow and The New Weather Institute.

Webinar series

After many European signatures were collected during the ECI, a successful Ban Fossil Ads conference in Amsterdam March 2023 and Brussels March 2024, and with the European elections coming up already this year, it is time to give the European momentum around fossil ad bans another boost. Reclame Fossielvrij (Fossil Free Advertising) and Badvertising Sweden are therefore hosting a series of webinars with the following aims: 

  • Strengthening and broadening the European fossil ad ban network;
  • Sharing knowledge about local fossil ad bans;
  • Strategizing on European level campaigns and elections.

Previously, we organized a webinar on the legal aspects of banning fossil ads, how to mobilize health care workers and the history and tactics of the subvertisers movement. Can’t make it this time but want to hear about the next one? Sign up here and get updates from the Ban Fossil Ads movement!

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