Pushing the Boundaries of Advertising Regulation Cases – Ban Fossil Ads webinar

We will be convening for our sixth Ban Fossil Ads webinar called ‘Pushing the Boundaries of Advertising Regulation Cases’. How can we bend the rules in our favour, what are proven & new ways to tackle ads via regulators and legal processes?

We will hear from:

  • Rosanne Rootert (Fossil Free Advertising / Reclame Fossielvrij): The KLM regulator cases, courtcase win and European follow-up.
  • James Ward (Adfree Cities): Misleading hybrid car ads: is it a fossil car or an electric one?
  • Eric Stam (Ad Hunters / Reclamejager): How to file regulator cases? Steps and tips.

Join us 18th of June at 19:30-21:00 (CEST). Zoom link will be shared after sign-up.

Please sign up here and share this invitation with your friends (e.g. via Instagram or Linkedin)!

Webinar series

After many European signatures were collected during the ECI, a successful Ban Fossil Ads conference in Brussels last March, and with the European elections coming up soon, it is time to give the European momentum around fossil ad bans another boost. Reclame Fossielvrij (Fossil Free Advertising) and Badvertising Sweden are therefore hosting a series of webinars with the following aims: 

  • Strengthening and broadening the European fossil ad ban network;
  • Sharing knowledge about local fossil ad bans;
  • Strategizing on European level campaigns and elections.

Previously, we organized a webinar on the legal aspects of banning fossil ads, how to mobilize health care workers and on the history and tactics of the subvertising movement. Can’t make it this time but want to hear about the next one? Sign up here and get updates from the Ban Fossil Ads movement!

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